
Dream Phone board game
Growing up, I played Dream Phone more often than you did and until I was in well into high school. And then on college breaks. The point of the game, for all of you pretending to not know about it, was to figure out which boy was your secret admirer by a series of phone...
I’ve always had a knack for getting excited about projects that were way too young for me. As a junior in high school, I finally saw my opportunity to create the classic baking-soda volcano, so I took it. As a grown-ass woman, I make scrapbooks with patterned papers and themed stickers. In between those two...
I once had a boss who hated when processes or even employees were described as "efficient." "Efficiency should go without saying," he would snap. He had obviously never seen me clean a kitchen, an activity that typically includes at least one snack break.
Graffiti board at trade show
Do you remember what your 4th-grade teacher's hair looked like? A brunette beehive, right? Do you remember what she wrote on your report card? Didn't think so. That's because we process text in our short-term memory and visuals in our long-term memory, according to Vidyard's Marketing VP Tyler Lessard.
Buster Bluth missing a hand
The first time I saw a telephone in a car (I’m lookin’ at you, Mr. Rosier), I thought I’d died and gone to Rich People Heaven. Anytime I see a photo from the latest camera, I wonder how pictures could ever be clearer than they are at this very moment. I think of the days...
I've never considered myself a sales person. In fact, the very idea of being in a sales role used to give me anxiety. The old Becky avoided sales-related tasks like the plague. Until now...
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend a few fantastic hours with some pretty spectacular women. I was invited to attended a luncheon put on by Women TIES (Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success) that totally knocked my socks off. On this very cold and windy day,  excitement, optimism and a sense of community filled the room....