
vicki the robot
It should go without saying that Vicki is my all-time favorite robot. When I hear “bot,” I automatically reminisce about “Small Wonder,” the memorable ’80s gem by which we were gifted Vicki the Robot (a.k.a. V.I.C.I. [Voice Input Child Identicant]).R2D2’s got nothin on VickiBut in terms of search engine optimization (SEO), “bot” generally refers to...
girl with movie clapboard
The first website was launched way back in 1991. It was, to say the least, not very attractive.But, hey, we didn’t know any better yet. And although search engine optimization—SEO, as it’s more commonly known—didn’t originate until 1997, it’s likely that you’ve had it in the back of your mind since you started working. It...
person typing in search engine box
All searches begin with a question. Maybe not necessarily in the search box, but definitely in the searcher’s head. And your site’s ability to answer questions affects your search engine ranking. So, as a content marketer, optimizing your content for question-based queries should be the new normal.  Your goal should be to anticipate the questions...
illustration of frustrated woman at computer
One important lesson I’ve learned over the years is: Never Google yourself. You might find photos that leave you longing for the time of hard-copy Polaroids. You might find that there’s a much prettier version of you acting her way through Hollywood. Or you might find that there are no results at all. All depressing...
building website illustration
Checklists and forms can seem daunting and maybe even a little too stuffy. But, hey, they work. No one wants to get to the end of a website development project only to realize that a process was missed way back in the beginning. That’s why we follow a checklist for our initial setup of each...
Google search
What’s the last search you typed into Google? Don’t say it out loud; I can’t be responsible for the backlash from your co-workers. But was it a word or phrase, or was it a full-blown sentence or question? Today’s Google searches are morphing into more conversational queries. It’s becoming more common now for people to ask...
Sleeping at desk
With all the content punching us in the face at every turn, click, and swipe, we barely have time to take in a Tweet without having to move on. Read an entire article? Forget it.