Nobody will dispute that technological advances have improved many aspects of life in recent decades. In particular, powerful smartphones and tablets along with ubiquitous internet access have put a literally ridiculous amount of information at our disposal whenever we need it most (on the toilet). That's great and all, but sometimes I can't help but...
If you’re anything like me, over time you’ve tried several different mechanisms to hold copy for you while you type. You’ve probably also felt a little nauseous while dropping 10 bucks on such a contraption. Here’s a simple (albeit slightly ugly) solution that will keep your copy readable and that dough in your pocket.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend a few fantastic hours with some pretty spectacular women. I was invited to attended a luncheon put on by Women TIES (Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success) that totally knocked my socks off. On this very cold and windy day, excitement, optimism and a sense of community filled the room....